Dance Programs/课程安排
周一 Mon | 周二 Tue | 周三 Wed | 周四 Thurs | 周五 Fri | 周六 Sat | 周日 Sun |
成人古典舞长扇(线上与线下) 8pm-9:30pm | 新疆舞(新) 5:30pm-7pm ---- 傣族舞(新) 7:30pm-9:00pm | 古典舞—伞舞 (线上与线下) 8pm-9:30pm | 古典舞-花神(新) 7:00pm-8:30pm | 傣族 8:00pm-9:30pm | 成人剑舞第三期2:00pm-3:30pm ---- 儿童基本功 4:30pm-6pm | 成人基本功12:30pm-2:00pm ---- 2:30pm-4:00pm |
课程简介 Introduction of Classes
- 初级蒙古(周二,周五)Entry level Mongolian Dance (Tuesday, Friday)
- 本期主要通过原创组合来训练揉臂,胸背和肘部,通过身体各部位的串连来表达与体会蒙古舞广阔悠然的舞蹈风格。
- This class is focused on an original choreography to train arm waving, chest, back and elbow movements that connect the entire body to express the unique style of the Mongolian dance.
- 高级藏族(周四,周五)Advanced Tibetan Dance (Thursday, Friday)
- 本期为第二期藏族舞,学习内容为北京舞蹈学院民间舞系经典传统组合《库玛拉》
- This semester is the second term of the Tibetan Dance. The class is focused on teaching the classic traditional Ku Ma La dance from the Beijing Dance Academy.
- 剑舞(周一,周日)Sword Dance (Monday, Sunday)
- 本期为第一期剑舞,通过剑的“点、刺、挑、劈、撩”来传达古典舞中神韵。
- This semester is the first term of the Sword Dance. The class teaches dance movements through the sword’s “point, thorn, pick, split, lift” to convey the charm of this classic dance style.
- 高级古典(周三)Advanced Classical Dance (Wednesday)
- 在具备一定古典舞理解的基础上通过老师编创的原创舞蹈来融会贯通古典舞中的“形、神、劲、律”,表现大气婉约的舞蹈风韵
- Through original choreographies, the purpose of this class is to understand classical dance fundamentals and integrate “shape, spirit, energy, and rhythm” to express the gracefulness of the classical dance style.
- 儿童舞蹈(周六)Children’s Dance (Saturday)
- 本学期主要孩子们的提高软开度,同时增加了初级的舞蹈毯子功技巧,比如前滚翻,倒立,侧手翻,前桥等。
- 本学期学习的舞蹈为东北秧歌(手绢舞)
- This semester, the purpose of this class is to build children’s flexibility, and especially to improve primary floor dance skills such as the forward roll, handstand, side flip, front bridge, etc.
- The dance taught is the Northeastern folk dance (the handkerchief dance).
开放的集体课程 Open Group Lessons
- 集体课课时费 (Group Lesson Fee):线下 (In-Person) $30/1.5hr Class. 线上 (Online) $25/1.5hr Class.
- 一次性付两个月学费,两个月中如有旷课,只保留一节课时费用作下一次付费。(2 months worth of class fees are collected at once. During the two month period, you can have one missed class and keep the credit towards the next 2-month payment).
- 私课课时费 (Private Lesson Fee):1人每位 (1-on-1 class) $80/hr,$110/1.5hr。2人每位 (2 Person Class Per Person Rate) $40/hr,$55/1.5hr。3人每位 (3 Person Class Per Person Rate) $35/hr,$50/1.5hr。
- 所有课堂内容皆为原创舞蹈,翻版必究。(All dances taught are original choreographies by Grant Zhuang. Imitations are prohibited).
付款方式/Payment Methods
Zelle: (347)-827-0666
Venmo: grantdance
PayPal: grantdance
填表注册课程 Class Registration Form
成人古典舞高级版班展示 Advanced Classical Dance Adult Class Showcase